- June 8 - July 30
- 3-11
If you were to build your dream summer vacation, what would it look like?
Share it with us and get a chance to celebrate your birthday at LEGOLAND Discovery Center Bay Area for FREE!
The search for the BIGGEST KID DREAMER in the Bay Area is on!
Have you ever thought of your dream summer vacation? Where will you go? Who will be there? What will you do?
Share it with us and get a chance to win a birthday party package for 25 guests!
- Your child must be 3-11 years old and live in the Bay Area to enter.
- To enter the giveaway, each child must submit a drawing of their dream summer vacation and a short paragraph explaining their drawing.
- Submissions must be emailed to BayArea@LEGOLANDDiscoveryCenter.com and must include the following:
- Child's name
- Child's age
- Hometown
- Parent's email address
- Drawing of the child's dream summer vacation
- A brief paragraph to describe the drawing
The deadline for entries is extended to July 30, 2023 at 11:59PM.
The winner will receive a birthday package (25 guests) and have the opportunity to turn their drawing into a LEGO build and showcase it during the Exclusive Red Carpet Premier of the NEW 4D Movie, LEGO DREAMZzz.